Sunday, May 3, 2009


Hannia made it for the full hour of Body Combat, and I am very proud of her. Bruce, Erica and Stephen made through the whole class, too, but then again, I never doubted that they would. Can you say competitive??? As for me? Well, I made it for 45 minutes. And while that might not seem incredibly impressive, its 3 times longer than last time. I maybe could've made it for the whole class because right after I left was when the routine got a little easier for a cool down. I didn't know that, nor did I care, because I was far too concerned about the ominous pounding in my chest and the fact that I was so winded that I couldn't even breathe. Reason went out the window...but maybe next time I will stay for the full hour. Stephen says that there WILL be a next time. I still don't love it though. There is something about all that punching and upper-cutting and faux-fighting that is just too violent for me. Whatever. I still improved 3 times better than last time, so its all good!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OW OW OW OW OW my shoulders! last night I woke up in the middle of the night with sore legs and couldn't go back to sleep because of them (no worries, took a pain killer/sleeping pills that put me back in bed). and yet, I think I will go again on Sunday. *sigh*