-Apparently, North Carolina DMV has issued in excess of 10,000 license plates with the unfortunate letter combination of "WTF". It took some text-savvy teens to point out the acronym for a common slang phrase. It has been announced that anyone with a WTF license plate can return it for another plate that will hopefully have a letter combination that has been a bit more thought out. Although....actually....I would be proud of my WTF plate, if I had one.
-I was putting gas in my car today (yikes!), and I noticed something scrawled in the dust on the gas pump. It said "Thanks Bush!" .....yeah, thank you very much.
-My husband was rearranging the way our sound system/speakers work with the television today. It involved dragging the stereo out of the cabinet, and moving the television table. He managed to dislodge several humongous dust bunnies comprised almost entirely of dog hair. Yeah, I clean. I vacuum. But getting behind all the heavy stuff on a regular basis...not so much apparently. I thought I did an ok job of it, but from the looks of things behind the scenes, well.....I guess I don't get a gold star. My husband paused and watched as yet another errant dust bunny blew across the floor in the breeze from the ceiling fan, and then he asked me, "Is it wrong to hope that the dogs die soon?" Hahaha...yeah, it probably IS kind of wrong, but sometimes we can't help but think it. Good thing my dog is deaf so he couldn't hear what we were saying.
-Speaking of dogs, it would seem as though this dog's owner thinks he is awesome....ya think?
I saw this picture and it made me laugh.