Thursday, February 11, 2010

Matter of perspective

On the one hand, over the past 2 weeks, we have had a busted water heater, holes punched into the ceiling, an injured cat, a roof situation (the wind storm yesterday completely destroyed our roof and its going to have to be replaced), a computer crash (Bruce's gaming computer....yikes!), and tonight? Our heat pump on one side of the house is broken. (Sound familiar, Lori? LOL)

On the other hand: We caught the water heater before it flooded the house. The ceilings are motivation for the painting that needed to be done anyway. The cat is healing nicely (although giving her the meds...scary). Bruce ordered a new motherboard and is back in computer land again. The roof needed to be redone after 15 years and a half dozen or so hurricanes, and now insurance might possibly cover at least part of that. The adjuster comes out to take a look tomorrow. And the heat pump? Its only a fan motor, and while it might be the first part of next week before it can be fixed (parts have to be ordered) at least its not a terribly expensive repair. And we still have heat in the bedrooms, and gas logs here in the living area, so it won't be too terrible.

I guess I can count myself lucky? Its all how you choose to look at it, I guess.


Lori Kintz said...

Oh my word! You all have had more than your share lately, enough already! Good thing the gaming computer is up and running, I know that is a priority :-) And good luck with that cat medicine thing, and hope the accompanying gashes and scratches heal nicely :-) I also can't stress enough how much I LOVE heat in my house . . . ahhhhh, glorious heat . . . hope you have heat too!

Anonymous said...

guess the saving account will be hit this month, sorry but it will bring the house up to code to sell it. barbie