Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Human Error

I don't talk about my work here on this public blog. It might not be prudent, and although its not exactly top secret information, I don't want anything to get complicated because I disclosed information, or whatever. But today, at my office, something went missing. Something that should have been made readily available to a certain Mr. Pitts, if everybody was on top of the customer service thing. He had been called and notified that this item was ready for him to come and pick up. And by the time that he got there, aforementioned item disappeared into thin air. Chaos errupted, and everyone in the building was asked to stop what they were doing and help out....go through their own desk-office-area, go through someone else's desk-office-area, or do whatever it might take to find Mr. Pitts missing thingie. I glanced around my desk a bit, but I am organized enough to know when something is out of place. I was relatively certain that whatever it was that Mr. Pitts needed, I DID NOT have it.

Anyway, the chaos and havoc continued for a while longer, until somebody got smart enough to check and see if Mr. Pitt's thingie got filed under the wrong name, for whatever reason, like, you know...human error. Its unfortunate, but it happens. And then there it was.

Filed under 'T's", know...Mr. TITs. HAHAHAHA! I don't know who made that mistake.

I doubt that it was intentional, although with the bunch of crazy characters that I work with, I guess anything is possible. And although Mr. Pitts was seriously NOT amused, it made me chuckle for the rest of the day.....hehehehehe.
And, in keeping with the "Mr. Tits" theme of the day, here is some interesting advertising space if anyone feels so inclined. And no, it is NOT me. I am not quite so well endowed as this woman.
I think this is someone in England, actually. But if she wears this outfit, then I am pretty sure the message will get noticed a whole heck of a lot.


Maria said...

Thanks for stopping by.

Funny, how many times we make a faux pas with someone's name. I used to have a neighbor who was so Jewish that she injected "you do know that I am Jewish, don't you?" into nearly every conversation. She had a toddler aged son named Jay. She (and the whole neighborhood) called him "pooh" for some reason. Once when I was out walking my daughter, we ran into Jay and his mom. I leaned down and meant to say, "Hello, Jay!" but must have decided to say "pooh" instead. It came out, "Hello, Jew!"

Anonymous said...

That was too funny!! Glad the file was found in the end, and everyone could have a good laugh about it later.

As for that advertising, what can I say? I have never seen that before, but I am pretty sure it would get a whole lot of attention. Proabably not for the product, but definately lots of looks!!

Thanks for the much needed laughs tonight!

Em said...

Very funny story! And a nice place to advertise...though I would wonder how many people would see it? Hmmmmm