I have been informed that I have been rather slack with the blogging lately. And its true. But in my defense things have been a little hectic trying to get back into the swing of things after vacation. And why would that be, you ask? Or maybe you don't, but I am going to still tell you...LOL. I came back to an office with ALL new management. And lots of changes, most of them of an inconvenient nature. Why do those restructuring changes that supposedly promote progress always seem so cumbersome and painful? And besides that, people are being scrutinized, audited and today? One person was fired. We were warned that it probably wouldn't be the last. We are all walking on eggshells, watching our backs, and feeling persecuted. On the other hand, its not exactly news to anybody that I really do hate that place. Have ALWAYS hated that place. If I got fired, then....I would figure something else out and go on with my life. Because its not, you know...my life. Some people act like its their lives, and our management certainly acts like it SHOULD be our lives. I was even told once that if (fill in the blank with any company name) wanted us to have a life, we would have been issued one. Yeah....whatever. I am not going to let it drive me crazy.
And about the pictures....I really wanted to post some vacation pics. But I think I told you that my new netbook doesn't have photo editing capabilities. So, I downloaded everything we took onto Bruce's laptop, which is relatively new too, since he bought it this past Dec. And guess what? He never put any kind of photo editing software on it either. LOL. So I am stuck with a bunch of pictures on his computer that I can't post until he puts Nero or Photoshop on it so I can resize them. Blogger and Facebook are really picky about the size of pictures that can be uploaded. So about those pictures....ask Bruce. The ball is in his court now. Maybe he will get around to it this weekend. Don't be too hard on him, he has pulled a muscle in his back and has been walking around looking old and crippled for a couple of days now. Its starting to get better, so we don't think its anything serious, but still, he hasn't felt that great this week.
But anyway, things are fine here. The weather has been warm and sunny. Our animals were all extremely happy to have us back home again. Life is good.
Thanks for the post, sorry about the job,hope Bruce's back is better, maybe he is faking just so you will wait on him. barb
i don't have problems uploading pictures to facebook and mine are pretty huge too (you can print them poster size with high resolution) I thought fb resized them for you?... are you sure it's not that you haven't donwloaded their new method of uploading pictures? *shrugs* i don't know. that sucks. if i had to resize things to put thme on fb or blog, i would never do it! *blush* making good to my mexican stereotype haha
You are right about the new FB photo uploader. I never downloaded the new one. I tried once, a while back, but it gave me an error message, so I gave up (really quickly...LOL), and stuck with the old one. I didn't realize it would resize pics for me, so now I will probably go back and try it again. I don't know if it will help with blogger though. If I try to upload a pic that is too large, it won't go through. For some reason, all of our pics from my digital camera seem to be huge.
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