Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Tomorrow I am going to get to meet blogger buddy Stephanie Snowe from "Jason, for the Love of God".
I am sure I have mentioned her before. I read her blog EVERY day because she is funny.
Also? She used to live here in Greenville, so she knows the area. Stephanie recently had her first book published: "Meeting Mr. Wrong"
Apparently, Stephanie had some very unique dating experiences right here in Eastern NC.
And I loved every minute of reading it. Anyway, she is going to be at our local Barnes and Noble for a book signing tomorrow evening, and I am going to be there. I am excited....and jealous. I kind of sort of wish it was me, but I haven't motivated myself to have the discipline to sit down and actually write my first book yet. Maybe one day...? In the meantime, I am going to live vicariously through others who have had the fortitude that it takes to work full-time, raise a family, blog, read blogs, do a million other things that normal life requires, and somehow find the time to sit down and write every day. I am in awe, y'all.

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