Saturday, April 18, 2009


- The kitty girls are doing fine. Everything worked out like everyone said it would, and they are getting along really well. So well, in fact, that sometimes WE feel left out. They play their kitty games, chasing and running and wrestling, and they barely notice that we exist. Until feeding time. We are just these big, mostly useless animals that conveniently put down food several times a day. And speaking of my kitties, Bruce read a quote to me the other day (and I have NO idea the source, just so you know it wasn't me) that went something along the lines of:
"Dogs think they are human. Cats think they are Gods!" I'm pretty sure there is some truth in that.

- Barbara is having surgery this coming Friday to have some nodules removed from her vocal chords. I knew about the surgery, but only from what Bruce told me (which was not much....because he is a man). Then I heard that Barbara is scared out of her wits about this surgery, and so I got scared thinking Bruce was either NOT telling me the whole story, or just innocently NOT understanding the whole story. I called today. Unfortunately, Barb was out buying plants for the garden, but I got to talk to Dad. Bruce wasn't leaving anything out, the doc feels that there is very little chance that this is anything bad (cancer), and it is a pretty common surgery that a lot of people have to have. I just know that everything is going to turn out just fine. I hope that Barb can just get in there and get it over with so that she can relax. I hate that she is so scared about this (although having had plenty of surgeries before, I also completely understand where she is coming from. Surgery sucks. Period.)

But please, please send your thoughts, prayers, and happy vibes Barbara's way that she has a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. The surgery is outpatient, so she should be home and resting peacefully by Friday evening. The part that I found so disturbing is that she can NOT talk, like at ALL, for a full week. Can any of you imagine Barb being absolutely silent for a full day, much less a week? Haha....I can't. But we love you Barb, and if you need anything, anything at all...just let us know and Bruce and I will be up there as fast as we can. Do you need us to come take care of you next weekend? Or will that make you too tempted to talk to us? We will be talking to you in the next day or so, I'm sure....

- Allergies...blech. Is anyone else having a devil of a time with allergies this year? We are having this beautiful weather this weekend, but every time I go outside, even for just a few minutes, I have sneezing fits, watering eyes, and my throat is all scratchy. Its NOT a cold, because it comes and goes. I have been taking Claritin all this past week, and that has helped to some degree. But I forgot to take it today until after lunch, and right now, I am paying the price for my forgetfulness. I want to get out there and do some stuff in the yard, but apparently will have to wait until the Claritin has time to take effect.

- Tomorrow, Hannia and I (and maybe Bruce, but he hasn't decided yet) are going to try out one of the newest classes at our gym called "Body Combat". I know that its an aerobic kick-boxing/Taebo kind of thing that promises to benefit your whole body from head to toe. I am a little bit nervous just because I haven't done this before.
I only hope I don't attempt a high kick and end up falling on my #ss. Or worse, breaking a leg, or dislocating a hip....LOL. Ok, ok, enough negative thinking. Its going to be fun, and its going to be good for me. Right....???

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