Friday, April 18, 2008

Blonde Joke Friday....

As told to me by one of my co-workers (they all pick on my blondeness continually):

A man and a blonde woman got into an elevator at the same time. The blonde said to the man, "T.G.I.F.!"

The man responded, "S.H.I.T.!"

Undaunted, the blonde said again, "T.G.I.F!!"

And the man responded once again, "S.H.I.T.!!"

This went on, back and forth a couple of more times, until the elevator came to a stop at the blonde's floor. She stepped off and looked back at the man and said, "I SAID T.G.I.F.! That means 'Thank God its Friday', you dumb ass!"

The man answered, "And I SAID S.H.I.T.! That means 'Sorry Honey it's Thursday'!"

Haha...Oh wait...I sincerely hope I'm not being blonde by thinking today really IS Friday. I am soooo ready for the week-end. Hope you all have a fantastic one.