Saturday, April 16, 2011


This deadly storm that killed 16 people so far is on its way to us right now. Within an hour or 2 of hitting. We have gotten stuff out of the yard, flowerpots off of the porch, and so forth and so on. I hope my little garden plants survive the wind. They are just too small to stake up yet. Also? I hope we have no loss of electricity. The power can go out for next to nothing here....although I will say that it has gotten better in the past few years. I have loads and loads of laundry to do (stripping beds and stuff), so I just want to be able to be done with it.

Anyway, the approaching storm is cramping my style this weekend...LOL. Can't be outside (well, Bruce did do some yardwork earlier this morning, but its growing darker and the winds are really picking up), don't want to shop or run errands and get caught in a downpour, so I am just hanging out catching up on house stuff. Boring for a Saturday that I actually have OFF. Ok, I am not going to complain anymore. I am thankful to NOT be out there working when it starts. Hoping that the Greenville carriers all make it back in safe and sound before the s@$t hits the fan, so to speak. Be careful ya'll. And yes I definitely said "Ya'll". I'm a southern girl and am entitled.

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