Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day

Its Groundhog Day and I didn't even remember that until I got to work and heard people asking if the groundhog saw his shadow. Apparently he did not, which is a good thing because I am more than ready for spring to make an appearance. January and February are our rainiest months, and while I realize its nothing compared to all of the crazy amounts of snow alot of people have gotten these past couple of months, still....chilly gray damp days just get depressing after a while. I am ready for a little sunshine.

Speaking of snow, Stephen and Hannia survived the massive snow storm that hit the midwest. They never even lost electricity, which is fantastic seeing as how their townhouse is all electric. They don't have an alternative heat source. In fact, Stephen said that his lease prohibited using kerosene or propane space heaters. I still might buy one just in case the power went out....but it wasn't an issue this time around. Even Purdue, which has closed only about half a dozen times in its ENTIRE history for bad weather, cancelled classes 2 days in a row. But they are fine and that makes me happy.

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