Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Today is 1-1-11, and I think thats kind of cool. I hope everyone had a nice celebration to ring in the New Year. Bruce is sick, so ours was very low-key. Bruce wasn't up to going out so the kids and I went out for Thai food. Which is funny if only because Stephen has eaten there at least 3 times now in the past 2 weeks. He loves their Mango curry. And then we took Erica to see the new Harry Potter since she hadn't seen that yet. After that we ran by the grocery store to buy grapes and a Red Velvet cake (for Bruce) and we came home. Hannia showed us a Mexican New Year tradition where at the stroke of midnight you eat 12 grapes (supposedly 1 a second for the first 12 seconds but thats hard) and you make a wish on each one. It was fun coming up with all those wishes in such a hurry. I am used to only wishing for 1 thing at a time, like when you blow out those birthday candles.

And so we are now at the beginning of 2011. I hope its a wonderful year for all of us. I know I said my only resolution was to find more joy, but I thought of another one last night. I want to be a bit more adventurous in the kitchen and am planning to attempt at least 1 new recipe every week. Maybe I will blog about it, the keepers and the "never make that again" ones. I figure that no matter how busy I get, I can sneak in at least 1 a week......right?

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