I have a confession to make....I don't enjoy the Olympics. Like, at ALL! I know, I know...its like some kind of cardinal sin. But I am just not into it. I am tired of all the coverage on every channel. I don't care who wins. I don't care what country gets the most medals. You couldn't pay me enough money to make me travel to an Olympic event. I will be glad when its all over and done with. Only then I suspect that I will be force-fed politics until November. You know, I might just take a break from television altogether for a while.
I have political fatigue _ I know who I'm voting for and I'm sick of the news already - but the Olympics I like, as we get to see some sports that are NEVER on t.v. - like diving. I'd like it a whole lot better if they cut out the bloody human interest stories and just showed more events, though.
I am the opposite. I enjoy the olympics. Not every sport but there are a few I really like such as gymnastics(mens over womens) swimming(mainly because of Emily) I have really paid attention to it this year. Also Michael Phelps and Torres(she's 41 and has a body that looks like that--WOW) really made it exciting.
Calvin likes womens beach volley ball(guess why???)
I absolutely watch the opening ceremony. One of my goals is to attend an opening ceremony. Maybe in Vancouver in 2 or London in 4
I also like learning about the host country. But I will also watch the travel channel so the coverage is like having that an intense travel channel
Ha-ha!! Finally a good reason for us not to get out tv service hooked up yet.
I miss the news, but I'm sure it's just full of Olympics this, DNC that. Blah-blah-bla-bla-blah!
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