Its no secret that I LOVE handbags. I look at them, shop for them all the time. I love checking out the vintage unusual bags on Ebay. I don't buy those usually. I'm not interested in collecting them. I only buy ones that I would actually use. I don't want the clutter of a bunch of unusable stuff, no matter how cool or collectible it happens to be.
Sometimes I run across some really interesting/ugly handbags. But tonight, while I was bored and doing a bit of online shopping, I found what might actually be the world's most ugliest handbag EVER. I can't stop looking at it. Like looking at a trainwreck I guess.
The Chicken bag. I hope I don't offend anyone who likes chicken stuff. But this thing is beyond heinous. And yet....I can't seem to look away......
Anyway, I am still without my laptop. The repair status is that they are still waiting on a part.
And that status is starting to wear thin on my nerves. The update says that they expect this elusive part to be delivered to them tomorrow, and then they will expedite my beloved laptop to me in haste. We shall see. If I don't see a change in the status report by the time I get home from work tomorrow, I may have to get on the phone and give those slackers a piece of my mind. Not that I have much of that to spare, but seriously.....I want my baby back!
i hope they're not like ecu-- they told me my diploma was being processed until about 2 weeks ago, when they told me "oh oops. actually, it's not. we haven't received your study abroad credits"
that was after the fourth time i went in to check how come i hadn't received my diploma!
also-- i guess this is a good accesory for the people that dress like chickens to advertise a business?
also good for lovers of the chicken dance.
Oh my good God.
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