Monday, March 17, 2008

To Lori; To Hannia; To Erica....

To Lori:
The Girl Scout Cookies arrived and it made Bruce very happy!! Thanks to you and Chelsea, too.
They are just as yummy as I remembered. Haha (pause while I wipe cookie crumbs off of my keyboard). I am looking forward to seeing all of you on the 29th. Have a fun and safe trip next week, too.

To Hannia:
I know you are feeling stressed. A wedding is a LOT of work. If there is anything that I can do to help, anything at all, just pick up the phone, write me an email, or message me on Facebook. I would be more than thrilled to do whatever it is that needs doing. Seriously. Try to relax and just have faith that it WILL all come together just fine. It WILL be beautiful. And if any little thing just so happens to go wrong, you will end up remembering it with fondness. Sometimes its the imperfections that make things interesting. For instance? Our wedding photographer showed up almost an hour LATE for our wedding. All of our actual ceremony pictures were staged AFTER the fact....while our guests were at the reception. And that just makes me smile now as I look back on the pictures.
I think weddings are way overrated, anyway. I do think they are special, happy occasions, but the real serious stuff comes afterwards. The important thing is how you build a life together, not if the food or the music is perfect. Or the ties match the dresses, or any of that....Just think of it as a big party and try to enjoy. You will be surrounded by all the people in the world who love you, and it is going to be wonderful. I am excited!

To Erica:
I CAN! NOT! WAIT! to see you this weekend. Plan on shopping 'til we drop in Richmond! I'm really looking forward to this. One thing, though....please don't make me witness clean laundry lying around on the floor.....Ok? Hahaha...
I really do love you, you know. Oh, and also? Congratulations on the kickball Victory! You and the team are racking up quite the collection of trophies. Very cool!

And that is all I have to say about that for now!


Anonymous said...

In my defense, I WAS HAVING SURGERY!! While clean laundry may reside on my floor for days under normal circumstances, I would never willingly and knowingly leave it when a visit from the mother is planned!

Rebecca said...

I KNOW you were having surgery. I was all upset and fearful for your very life. But I still enjoy teasing you about that laundry, you know. I never dreamed my beloved child would store her clean laundry all over the floor like that...hahahahahahahaha.

Hannia said...

i can rest and take it easy now, someone's marrying us! the music, photographer, music, and whatever else is just a nice addition, WE CAN FINALLY GET MARRIED! WOO!

Lori Kintz said...

Glad you are enjoying the cookies, glad they are all out of my tempting reach! Now you won't fit in your jeans either!! Hannia - Rebecca's right about the wedding, just think of it as a party and don't stress, no one will notice anything that you might think didn't go perfectly, the most important thing is to relax and enjoy the begining of your life together.