Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A case of the OUCHIES...

One of our dogs (Scarlet) is arthritic and old (14 years...which is like a 100 in dog years, or close to it). And she has alot of trouble getting down the back steps to go outside to do ...well, her doggie business. So most of the time, we pick her up and carry her down the steps. She's not exactly a tiny little lap dog. She weighs about 50 lbs, and for me, thats a whole heck of a LOT to drag around. So, I struggle a little. Last night, I was barefoot, wobbling and huffing and puffing to drag Miss Thang out into the backyard. And I stepped short somehow. And my heel scraped all the way down one of the rough brick steps and took a HUGE hunk of skin out. It hurts. I'm whining. Its not all that bad until I have to put shoes on. And I couldn't go to work barefoot, so....I limped and walked like an old lady all day long. Hopefully this heals up soon, because I have a weekend shopping EVENT planned with my daughter. I need to be able to walk dammit.


Hannia said...

you could always wear sandals and socks!!! :-P

hope it feels better!

Coffee-Drinking Woman said...

Ow! I hope it heals soon!

Lori Kintz said...

Hey, years ago, wasn't that you who slipped on the icy deck at like three am on Christmas morning and drove yourself to the hospital with a factured ankle or something? Maybe it would be safer if you stayed inside??? Seriously, feel better.