Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A break....

I'm taking a break from my usual blabbering of the trivial and the mundane to make a brief political statement. I'm not particularly political by nature. And I tend to avoid subjects that rile people up, like politics and religion. But I have been sitting here watching the evening news, and I am just about ready to scream. Enough already!! Every news station in the country is picking apart Michelle Obama's statement about finally being proud of her country. So what? I haven't been particularly proud of my country in the past few years either. Its much ado about nothing.
She didn't say a thing that most of us haven't thought, at least briefly, at some point or another.
Get over it.

Anyway, I think I have finally made my decision. I'm voting Obama. I wasn't sure until now.
And now....I am going to go watch American Idol lest I become way too serious or something.


dennis said...

I saw AI and agreed with Simon (before I turned on comedy central) the two guys who were singing (one tried on Elvis and failed and the other is forgetable) and failing to impress.

Mon said...

My computer just ate the comment I was leaving you, but basically I'm glad you were able to make up your mind!