Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thank Jesus for Steam Cleaners

We have kept a home-type steam cleaner on hand for years. When you have pets, I don't see how you could live without one. When our old one gave up the ghost, we went out and bought another one pretty quickly. And while its true that the cats are much cleaner and I have needed it a whole lot less than when the dogs were running around the house, occasional disaster just requires a steam cleaner. Jesus gave us steam cleaners as soon as man domesticated animals into pets. I am sure of it.

Thursday afternoon, I got home from work and spotted one of those disasters right away. The cats have been having a blast in their new outdoor enclosure, and they eat grass outside. Somebody had puked right in the middle of the hall, a huge brownish green puddle sitting on the carpet. Why does puke or poop or pee never seem to happen discreetly behind a chair? Why is it always smack in the middle of the floor? I tackled it with carpet cleaner, with pet enzyme cleaner and I felt like it was going to be ok. When I got up yesterday morning and could still kind of see where the spot had been I tried to convince myself that it was only because it was still damp from all the cleaning. Surely with another day of drying it would disappear.

No such luck. It was still visible this morning. Bone dry and I could still tell distinctly where it was. Time to drag out the steam cleaner. And now, after running practically a whole entire tank over a small 2 foot by 2 foot square, I think its gone. When I couldn't tell exactly where I was supposed to be cleaning, I declared it good enough.....hopefully when it dries it will stay gone....

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