We call this one Hoss. Mainly because she is the most aggressive when its feeding time. She will push all of the other kittens out of her way for food. Besides that she is really friendly and outgoing. We have stuffed towels under and behind this dresser to keep the kittens from getting underneath it, but Hoss just can NOT leave it alone. I am sure our feeble attempts will fail soon.
This one is the calico. Delaney has named her Felix, even though we are pretty sure she is a girl. The name has stuck. Felix is a real pistol. She is the most active and playful, and is still going even when the rest of the litter wants to take a nap.
She knows no fear when it comes to venturing out and about to see whats going on. If I were forced to pick a favorite.....Felix would be a strong contender. She just such a little fuzzy ball of energy and curiosity.
Casey named this one Charlotte. Charlotte is the baby of the litter and also the most vocal. Mama kitty, Sam, has turned out to be a really vocal cat, "talking" to us all of the time, so I guess baby comes by that naturally. She also has the most interesting markings. She is a light gray, with some darker gray stripes...but those lighter patches that we THOUGHT were white, are turning out to be patches of yellow tabby stripes. Its the oddest mixture of markings that I think I have ever seen on a cat before. She is a little bit shy, like S.J., but will come out of her shell once she sees the others playing.
So there you go. The enormous amount of cuteness in my house is awesome. LOL. They are walking, and playing, and growing bigger every day. I tried to feed them some canned kitten food this evening for the first time. It didn't go over well, and they had zero interest in it. I thought that surely Hoss would take to it right away. I guess its still just a little too soon and I will try it again in a few more days. I was hoping to give poor Mama Kitty a break. She is such a tiny little thing and these kittens are getting so big that I don't see how in the world she can nurse them enough. But they seem happy and content and have fat little bellies, so apparently she is able to take care of it.